Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Downtown Victoria

From Photo of the day 2010

I have been meaning to take some photos of the old buildings in downtown Victoria for some time and finally got around to it. I took a walk from Clover Point all around the outside edge of town, skirting around the Legislative buildings and the Empress Hotel. It was kind of fun wandering around among the tourists. I didn't find anything around the major landmarks that grabbed my eye though. I've also discovered its really hard to be on your own with a dog down there though, forget going into any shops - apparently its not legal to leave your dog tied up, even in the shade.

Anyways, I found this on Yates street (I think). I liked the symmetry of the windows and the bricks and the angle of the light. I tried to put the flags in the window at the top third, I would have liked to have them in a top third corner, but couldn't make it work with the surrounding buildings. It was only after that I noticed the fan at the bottom third, which works in its own way. I had to fix my exposure settings in Picasa afterwards with a little highlights and fill light, but it is not cropped. I was using a circular polarizing filter to bring out the colours in the bright sun.