With all the nice weather we've been having in Victoria, I decided I needed to get out somewhere different for a hike. Preferably somewhere with a view. I picked out Lone Tree Hill Park (a Capital Regional District park) in the district of the Highlands. I've been there once before a number of years ago and remember the view being nice on a sunny day. So I packed up the dog and the camera and went looking for some good shots.
This is the first one I took - the dead branch of the arbutus backed by its very much alive trunk just looked really cool in the light. I spotted it while exploring a side path while waiting for some other people to vacate the peak - I didn't want the dog to bother them on their outing. Once they left I had the place to myself. I really like how it came out, so this is the "official" shot for the day Its actually a one shot deal too - I took some others of the same subject after this one and they are not as good. I didn't need to do any editing either - bonus! Straight from the camera.
I've included these other two shots to give you a better impression of the park itself. Meg was enjoying a stick between chasing the soaring vultures. She made a good foreground to the background of the city. Straight back above her head you can make out Mount Doug, the white dot to the left of that is the observatory by Elk Lake, and believe it or not, you can actually make out the Legislative buildings downtown (with binoculars on site). I probably should have cloned out the sensor dust visible in the sky, but forgot. Oh well - now I can say its straight from the camera. I believe I used my circular polarizing filter on this one to bring out the sky better.
And Meg again - its not a sheer cliff, but it is very steep. She's busy pointing a turkey vulture that was flying below us. Crazy dog, I guess she thought they were going to land.