Sunday, January 26, 2014


From Photo of the day 2012
Finally purchased the ArcSoft Panorama Maker Pro software that I liked so much - thanks parents! I spent Saturday stitching these two lovlies from September when I got to walk the dog during beautiful sunrises. This first was taken in the field across the street, the second was taken along my usual walk looking back towards my house. Oh I am looking forward to similars in a couple months! (Click the photos to see larger images on my Picasa site...)

From Photo of the day 2012


From Photo of the day 2012
So I stayed home sick from work on Thursday - after feeding the pigeons and hauling wood I spied some nice light and pack of chickadees outside my front door and figured I need to take more opportunities. I snapped a bunch - most didn't come out because of distractions or the fact that chickadees just move very fast and don't come back to the same branch very quickly. I kept a few more than this, but these are the best quality, despite the light not being spectacular at that moment. This first one is cropped and I played with the highlights a bit. Used my 70-300 mm lens for all three.
From Photo of the day 2012
Again cropped, but otherwise straight. Cute little guys
From Photo of the day 2012
And this one - while having a huge distracting branch in the way - makes it in because of his expression, the nice light, the fact that its straight from the camera, and... on the full size version - you can see the shadow of the shop and me in his eye. A wild chickadee's eye! Crazy! Stupid branch. Oh well - you can't have everything go your way.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Winter macros

From Photo of the day 2012
Long time, no photo-ing. I have been taking some of school events but it has been rather dark when I've been home for the last couple months. Got inspired by some good shots from this lady in Russia and from some in various magazines to get going again. New Year's resolution? I don't know. Anyway, there is more light now, and I am teaching photography again at school this coming week. This one I found on the way back from my morning walk with the dog. It was warm and melty, and has since refrozen. These little bits of stubble were sticking up through the ice with frost on them and the light worked. I think this is with my macro combo, and just tweaked the highlights to make the snow properly white.

From Photo of the day 2012
Also taken on the return trip this morning with the macro combo. Not sure why this bit of dead plant caught my eye, but I managed to get an angle I found interesting - and the right aperture to get most of it in focus. It has a symmetry of sorts, I suppose. Only increased the highlights a bit here.

From Photo of the day 2012
And this is one I took in the beginning of last November and never got around to posting - some hoar frost on the barbed wire fence in the back field. I was struggling with the available light, so unfortunately the depth of field is a little shallower than I would have liked. I sharpened this one a touch, but that's it. I figured it was a neat enough shot to include as an extra here.