Saturday, January 31, 2009

Today and Yesterday

From Photo of the day (2009)

Took the dog out this morning on a trail near Harrison Hotsprings - this goes out past the hotsprings source and then around the point dividing lower Harrison lake from its outflow the Harrison river. There is a backcurrent here as the water goes around the point so they put a warning signal up which I included in the photo. I did this as a set of photos turned into a panoramic shot to get the height to include both the point and the sky as well as the width of the water Stitched with ArcSoft Panorama pro and highlights/shadows done in Picasa.

I was out all day yesterday - I took photos but had no time to process and post them. So here they are. I took these on what is normally an island in the Fraser river south of Agassiz. At this time of year, a side channel is very low, so, with a bit of hopping over small streams in the sand and rocks, I managed to get over to this pseudo-island. There were so many coyote tracks I was rarely out of sight of some set or other - I am convinced that a large number of coyotes that are seen in the farm fields on the other side of the river in the early hours spend their days over here as many tracks would lead back to a long treck across the river bed. I'm going to go a bit overboard today and put up three shots for yesterday - some undisturbed coyote tracks (and no they were not from my dog!), the clump of grass in what resembled a moonscape with the rocks and the snow, and lastly - a set of river otter tracks I found on the way back to the truck - there were two sets that came out of one stream walked and slid across some snow and sand and then ended entering another pool. I was a bit dissapointed that I never got a glimpse of the animals as the tracks seemed quite fresh. All these shots are straight out of the camera but for a bit of highlights/shadows in Picasa.

From Photo of the day (2009)

From Photo of the day (2009)

From Photo of the day (2009)

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