Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Post boxes

From Photo of the day (2009)

Cold and wet and rainy. I got finished at work by 1230, which was a surprise as a whole pen of smallish goats (about 25 roughly the size of Meg) had got loose at Paul's. I guess the gate into their pen wasn't latched right yesterday sometime and they pushed the door open, charged through all the feed, pulled vast layers of it off of the two big round bales in the back, then jumped up and hit the grain auger switch which unloaded about 12 five gallon buckets worth of grain on the floor (on top of all the hay) before it stopped and now won't start. ~Sigh~ My life would be so much easier without goats. We are hoping they don't sick from eating too much grain, though they looked pretty lively today.

I more or less forgot about getting a shot today until I went to check the mail and figured this would work. Of course as soon as I got in there and ready to go about 3 other people came in to check their boxes and I felt like a goon. I got three shots, this was the best, and it is heavily edited in Picasa (but looks okay for it). I increase the fill light nearly as far as it can go, straightened, and sharpened.

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