Friday, June 19, 2009

Float plane

From Photo of the day (2009)

Last Friday I went into Chilliwack for some groceries and other things that are just too expensive or not available in Agassiz (which means I probably won't go back into Chilliwack for at least another 2 weeks). I took the dog out to Island 22 before doing the shopping so she could run and we met some model float plane pilots. I didn't even know they made model float planes. We walked around a bit before they started flying them and then made our way back (dog on leash) once they had the planes out. Meg seemed to think they were ducks and wanted to chase. I thought this shot was kind of cool because there is no scale, and really, it could have been a big plane.

1 comment:

  1. A miniature water bomber. Very nice. The full size version are pretty impressive on fires.
