Thursday, May 26, 2011

SLR photos

Ok, so here's a few of my Nikon shots over the last month.

From Photo of the day 2011

Just after I got back from Toronto, I drove up to Vanderhoof for a teaching job interview. After my two days up there getting to know the people at the school and the area itself, I took a drive around some of Vanderhoof before I left. While I should have been taking a few shots of the houses by the small airport I was interesting in renting, I ended up taking pictures of a Long-billed Curlew (too far off) and this little insect that fixed itself to the driver's side window of my truck. I believe its a kind of ichneumonid - a type of wasp-like thing - though my entomology ID is a little rusty. This was not the shot I thought I would keep, but on the screen I could make out his reflection in the glass, and the lighting came out better. I cropped this, and did just a touch of highlights/shadows and sharpening in Picasa 3.

From Photo of the day 2011
I took this Sunday- wow, I've got down to take-process-post within a week! - on a hike down to Mckenzie bight in Gowland-Todd park in Victoria. The light was nice, so I stood back and took this with my zoom lens. I liked how the sun picked out the flower. Unfortunately, my Nikon is having some issues with cards, and I think it ate the photo I was actually going to post. This one was the best of the rest, though it took a little work. I played with highlights/shadows, and sharpened it quite a bit. Way to go camera - soon to go into the shop and get serviced.

From Photo of the day 2011
This is cropped only enough to remove some distractions, and is nearly full frame. It was way too dark to be taking hand-held shots however, and turning this into a yellow-filtered black and white with Picasa 3 produced the best contrast and sharpness I could bring out of it. This barred owl was hanging out near the trail when we came back up from the beach at McKenzie bight on Sunday night. Its a neat shot, pity I was thinking like a film photographer and didn't up my ISO to get some better exposure. Well, you only have so much time with wildlife I suppose.

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