Sunday, June 19, 2011

Photo hunting

This is going to be a post for photos from a few days ago.

From Photo of the day 2011

I took this on Friday morning at Cadboro Bay beach on my morning dog walk. It turns out its almost as handy to have a pointing dog for picture taking as it would be for hunting. Meg is trained enough that she will wait, pointing the ducks, until I tell her to chase them. It works out for me - I can get my camera set and ready - and for her training for when I have another bird and want to hunt ducks. You can just see her blurry head in this shot. I was going to crop it out, but then the framing was off, and besides it tells a story. I could even call it "shooting" - she's just a camera dog, instead of a gun dog.

I cropped, increased shadows, and sharpened this in Picasa 3.

From Photo of the day 2011

Same duck from the same chase, just with a bit more time. With the 5fps I've been able to catch a lot more action, and had several shots to choose from. I liked how sharp her tail was and the side lighting worked. Again, a bit of a crop (the ducks were a bit far for my lens), increased shadows a touch, and sharpening.

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