The bee beats out the shot below for top spot for photo quality, as opposed to subject. The full size version of this is remarkably sharp, and could easily be printed quite large. I took the dog to Elk Lake again on off chance of seeing the red-tails again in better light. I hadn't heard them at all where I usually do and was in a photo taking sort of mood. The light was nice and the bees were pretty close. It was harder than I expected, they move quickly and unpredictably and I was working at the end of my zoom. I took several of a couple of different bees and this was the best. I sharpened a touch and cropped a bit in Picasa 3.
And then I did manage to find one of the young red-tailed hawks from the last week. He started soaring over top of me, and did a couple of passes. Evidently he was curious as he's looking right at me in this shot - cool! The evening light helped me out a bit, and its way better than the last posts shots in terms of quality. I did a little saturation for the sky, a bit of highlights/shadows, sharpening and a crop in Picasa 3.
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