Sunday, December 4, 2011

A few more

So I've got a bit of time to update this.

From Photo of the day 2011
I took this while helping some of my photography students find pictures around the school yard - to be honest, I think I swiped the idea from one of them, or at least partly. I like all the textures in the worn out swing, and the sharpness and colour around the rust stains. I will fully admit the blue post in the corner is a bit distracting and perhaps should have been cropped out. Anyways, one that just kind of worked. This is straight from the cam with my wide angle lens.

From Photo of the day 2011
This one I took at my house just as the sun was going down on a friday evening a few weeks ago. The temperatures were down around -15 or -20 C and still falling. That weekend it got down to -33 C at my house - and this was just the first of my windows to display frost. Later in the weekend this little feather was lost in more frost. I liked the fading light in the background too. Straight from the camera, wide angle lens.

More to come later.