Sunday, May 31, 2009

Manning Day Trip

From Photo of the day (2009)

From Photo of the day (2009)

From Photo of the day (2009)

From Photo of the day (2009)

Took a six hour hike around the lightening lakes chain in Manning Park on saturday. Unfortunately the trail to the last lake was washed out in a rock scree slide so I didn't make it there, but it was still about 24 km walk. Needless to say I was a bit tired to sort through and post the photos yesterday. Lots of wildlife, and more of an Alpine setting than coastal forest so that was neat. I guess the snow is in full melt, all the streams along the paths were full on torrents and seemed to run wherever they felt as opposed to staying within an obvious bed. Columbian Ground squirrels had colonies in anything resembling a grassy meadow, which included the picnic sites at the lake and green spaces in front of the resort. Some were really tame, but they all had to stand up and stare at the dog. There was also Common Loon, Barrow's Goldeneye, Spruce grouse, though we only heard the Varied Thrushes, Swainson's Thrushes and other random small birds I don't know the calls for. Only one Bald Eagle, but lots of Ravens. Here are some of my better pictures, more can be seen in the same album on my Picasa photo site.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Classic Car

From Photo of the day (2009)

The A&W across the street had their Crusin' the Dub party across the street from my apartment. I stopped in after work and garden watering to see the band and the classic cars that they had out. I missed the free chicken and root beer but thought Dad might like this older British car. Hope I took it from the proper angle.


From Photo of the day (2009)

This came with a load of hay the other week when George was away. It used to belong to Debra's father, and George has got it to run the feed mixer here. He shipped his old (actually newer than this one) to Alberta, and got this "new" one. Not sure what year it's from, but there isn't a window without a crack. Neat old thing.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cliff Swallows

From Photo of the day (2009)

From Photo of the day (2009)

Noticed these little guys yesterday starting up a new colony under the eaves of the cow barn. I want to keep up to date on them as within a few weeks their nests will be round balls with tunnel entrances. There are about 8-10 started nests, and lots of squabbling about who gets which space. They are always coming and going with big mouthfuls of mud to build with and I spent probably 10 -15 minutes just watching them and taking pictures - until a cow came up and starting nudging me with her big wet nose. If you look close at the shot of the fight, you can see that one bird is biting the others foot... what a commotion!


From Photo of the day (2009)

Took this yesterday, but no time to post. Stopped in at my community garden and, while my garlic has grown a lot, I'm not sure if it would show that well in a new picture. Took this shot of two growing bean plants though - they've got it a bit rough in the clay-ey soil after that hard rain last weekend. Oh well. Beans are tough.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hicks lake

From Photo of the day (2009)

From Photo of the day (2009)

Took the dog up to Hicks Lake provincial park today - partially to make use of my annual BC Parks parking pass, and partially as I haven't hiked around the lake in over a year. Last time I did it Meg was little. Anyways, its a lovely hike, took me about an hour and a half of good walking. Somehow it felt longer than that though. Anyways, around the back part of the lake in the trees there are a lot of old stumps from the hand-tool logging era with springboard pockets in them (so they could get up where the wood was not too wide for their tools). Here are two of the stumps, the first one you can see the pocket in, the other was just so wide I made it a full frame shot. It had 2-3 rather large trees growing out of the top of it. Pretty cool!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Canyon Daytrip

From Photo of the day (2009)

From Photo of the day (2009)

I'm taking my long weekend after the real long weekend - most of the tourists are gone but things are open. I drove up past Hope and Yale to Alexandra Bridge Provincial Park. The park is little more than a rest stop, but the trail leads down where the old Caribou highway was put in when they realized train travel wasn't going to be enough. The original bridge was built in 1862 (BC's first suspension bridge), but torn down in 1915 when it was usurped by the completion of the CPR railway. When cars became prevalent, they rebuilt the bridge on the same site and it was used from 1926 to 1964 when the new one, still in use now, was built a ways downstream. If you are interested, this site has a variety of photos and info on the bridge and area.

After the photo shoot there, I stopped in to visit "The History that is Yale". I was a bit disappointed to tell you the truth. The museum was very good, but the walking tour was a let down. All the points on the map are long gone, but you can walk to where they were and read about them - oh and I couldn't actually find two of the "points of interest" which included an old cemetery that I would have enjoyed. The lady at the museum took me around to some of the things on site - namely one of the oldest Churches in BC (disputed as to whether it or one in hope holds the title (I got to pull the bell rope!), some recreated 1800's style tent buildings, and a very old Red Beech tree planted by a young girl with some relation to or friendship with the Church priest.

From Photo of the day (2009)

From Photo of the day (2009)

From Photo of the day (2009)

Stopped in Hope on the way home, and actually felt like I've been somewhere! I think more Daytrips will be in order in the next few months.

Monday, May 18, 2009


From Photo of the day (2009)

Well - now I have a real excuse, been running the farm with minimal help (Anita and Janey your work is appreciated!) and between helping cows calve, pumping milk from one tank to another for several people, and not having any inspiration I just don't get around to taking photos. I do take my cam though, so when I see something...

Anyways. Got this one on my morning walk with the dog under the Agassiz-Rosedale bridge before going out grocery shopping etc in Chilliwack. I sharpened it a bit, nothing else.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


From Photo of the day (2009)

We've taken down the board and hay bale door we put up in December to replace the roll away one that got torn off in the winter winds. This is partly because we used all the hay to feed the goats, and partly because its warm enough not to have it. Oh and the pen was in need of a cleaning. Anyways, these guys have been spying on me as a feed the goats in a shed directly across from them and I figured they would make a good shot. Hopped over after milking this evening and got this one.


From Photo of the day (2009)

Stopped in at my garden plot on the way home yesterday for the first time in a few days. Its been raining off and on so I'm not worried about water and no time to plant anything more right now (most of it is in anyways). The garlic has really taken off - some are over 3" tall and they were planted only 2 weeks ago. Everything else is on the verge of sprouting, though the lettuce seems to have produce a row of minute seedlings. If they weren't so straight I would have thought they were weeds. I took this from ground level and then cropped it to get a better composition.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


From Photo of the day (2009)

Very busy at work, but found a shred of time to take this shot in the evening of the wisteria blooming on the garden fence. Not much to say about it really.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Volcanic knoll

From Photo of the day (2009)

Took a hike with Anita and the family today. We drove up the the Mt Woodside paragliding take-off site and stopped in at this old volcanic column on the way. There is a hole at the top, and part way up the hike to the top is a crack in the side of the hill going all the way up which spills out very cold air all year round. Very cool. Lots of columnar granite from a solidified lava plug, now the rest of the hill has eroded. Very cool. My shot of the crack does not do it justice in terms of scale - the shot is actually 3 wide angle shots stuck together. The view from the top is fantastic - and no Anita isn't chucking the kid down the hole, she's hanging on to him so he can throw a rock in and here it ping and bounce all the way down. Very neat.

From Photo of the day (2009)

Saturday, May 9, 2009


From Photo of the day (2009)

No shots between Tuesday and today, missed 3 days.. horrors. I am really getting bad at this. Anyways. Took the dog out on the dyke under the Agassiz-rosedale bridge this morning before garage sale-ing. I got inspired by a shot a friend took (I have a print of it) and tried some shots of the dandelion seeds. Liked this one the best.

Tree revisited

From Photo of the day (2009)

Back to work Tuesday, took this on the way back from Paul's. I took a shot of this tree in January in a blizzard and now it's getting some leaves. I thought another shot of it was due.

From Photo of the day (2009)

Patience, or Stupidity?

From Photo of the day (2009)

Monday I took the dog back out to Harrison. I didn't want to hike all the way out to the sandy cove on the Whipoorwill Point trail because of time, and I wasn't sure if there would be a sandy cove as the water has come up a fair bit. Instead I scrambled around on the rocks surrounding the sewage treatment plant out by the hot springs source and found a new sandy cove. Sat in the sand a bit, tried to get the dog to come but she figured I was going to throw a stick. Sat like this for ages, shivering in the water. I finally took a picture. Silly dog. I threw a stick a while later. We found some neat tracks in the sand too, not good enough for photos - best guess they were otter tracks, but they seemed to be in pairs.


From Photo of the day (2009)

Took this on the third, haven't had time to post it with work and whatnot. Ok so I nearly forgot about it and had little motivation. Comments would help...

Took Meg to the Lagoon at Harrison lake on Sunday morning before church. We walked around on the beach, no one out yet so she can still run there. These geese figured the lagoon was theirs and kept following Meg around in the water. Caught this one as it gave me a menacing glance.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Tu-Lips and Swallow

From Photo of the day (2009)

Took the dog out in the morning before heading out to the annual Tulips of the Valley Tulipfest on Seabird Island. A local producer of tulips grows bulbs for greenhouse and public sale and each spring they have all 40 acres of young tulips blooming for 3 weeks or so. I managed to catch the last weekend of it and took some shots. Here's a panorama I made of the whole field, I have some of groups of tulips as well but this came out better.

Oh and here's one I took while out with the dog that I liked. I did manage to get a salvagable shot of a Wilson's Warbler as well, I will keep it but it doesnt make the cut for here. This is a male Tree Swallow I spotted that was kind enough to sit and sing while I took pictures.

From Photo of the day (2009)