Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Went out after lunch today instead of in the morning as I had some things to do in town. Made for a change in lighting though I still was taking shots in my own back field. The neighbour's horse was happy to see me - I'm not sure his name - and came over to the fence. I figured I would try to make him into a more interesting subject, and as I was armed with only my 70-300 lens had to stand fairly far back. It works well for some close up detail stuff though, and right at the end I shot a couple close ups of his notes. I liked how his plethora of white bristly whiskers contrasted with the brown of his body behind him. The trick was getting the exposure and depth of field right in the ever-changing lighting (darn clouds) while still catching the horse in a position that worked. I think he was a bit annoyed that I wasn't up close feeding him some alfalfa from my field. Finally got this one towards the end. I used Picasa's highlights and sharpen tools to bring out that extra pop from those whiskers.
And one more shot of him - the first one I took actually, before checking my settings. Came out one of the best exposed shots - go figure. I liked how the barbed wire fence was in focus and how none of him was too dark for details or blown out. Must have been that perfect light before the harsher sun came out.
Cropped but otherwise straight from the camera.

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