Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Transient Art

 I found some frosty "art" on my afternoon walk with Anna and Meg yesterday. The ground was still frozen, the sun was out, and anywhere it hadn't touched yet was still frosty. I liked the patterns of the air bubbles stuck in the puddles and tried a few different angles on a different puddle without getting the kind of image I was thinking of. Then I found this puddle - with the unique little round bubble and leaves around the lines - and took one shot. this is straight from the camera.

And some frost fingers on a leaf, highlighted now, but soon doomed, by the late fall sun. I only had my wide angle lens so I wasnt sure how it would come out. I had to pretty well kneel on the ground and get the camera up quite close with a wide aperture to get what I was aiming for. I cropped this and enhanced the shadows in picasa to bring the focus more to the leaf and its frosties. I didn't see it at the time, but the shadow of the leaf's stem on the leaf itself also looks cool. It has since warmed up and both of these have melted.

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