Monday, November 13, 2017


It was snowing pretty hard this morning and I thought it would be fun to get out in it and take some photos. I love how the snow can completely change how the scenery looks so I brought the wide angle lens for some landscape shots. This is the start of my typical daily walk, the drive out into the back field. You can see Meg's fresh tracks on the left hand side - I think she was pretty well at the other end of the field by then. I increased the highlights a bit on this to make the snow a bit brighter, but otherwise straight from the camera.

The view back the way I'd come. I liked the grass as a foreground and the haziness of the distant trees made by the falling snow. One of these days I'll try to duplicate the effect in watercolours - a lot more likely these days with more of my time spent at home. This one was straight from the camera.
A snow covered cow parsnip skeleton. I though the little flowerette bits full of snow looked particularly like little hands with their boney little palms out to catch the snow. I used the angle, shallow depth of field, and dark sticks in the background to contrast the snow blobs. I like how the required speedy shutter also froze some of the nearby falling snowflakes. Cropped in Picasa but nothing else.

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