Saturday, June 11, 2011


From Photo of the day 2011

I took this photo yesterday, but didn't get a chance to process it. I took it on a walk around Oak Bay and Willows Beach with my mom and sister in the morning. I didn't see anything much that sparked my photo-eye until we were almost finished and I spied this iris in someone's roadside flower garden. It was huge, and I liked the brush of stamens waiting to paint the next bee to visit with pollen as he crawled in. I stood back and shot this with my long lens (70-300mm) to make it more like a macro shot. I sharpened a touch in Picasa 3 just to bring out that brush a bit more.

From Photo of the day 2011

This one I took today at the end of a walk around Durrance Lake with a friend. I liked how they were clinging to the rockface above the parking lot, and I liked how the light was hitting them from the side, but not the rock behind them. This made it look like they had a bit of a spotlight on them. It also let me meter off them and leave the rock behind them underexposed enough to be black. Just cool. Again, I shot this with my long lens as they were up out of reach, and it just does macro better than my wide angle. Slight sharpening in Picasa, nothing else.

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