Monday, January 26, 2009


From Photo of the day (2009)

Day off today, spent the morning following Dr Clegg (a large animal Veterinarian) around to a few farms - interesting but no photo-ops. Came home to take the dog out and finally found how to get to a section of shoreline that is visible (and clearly should be accessible) from the Agassiz-Rosedale bridge; though I swear the road I walked down was not there the last time I tried. I wanted to get some photos of the ice floating down the Fraser river but I couldn't find quite the right way to do it - that and the dog kept wandering out on the bit that looked more solidly frozen and I was paranoid she was going to fall through somewhere and be lost forever. There was all kinds of junk and old car wrecks in the bush (ironic as there are many 'No Dumping' signs all over) which I considered, then I found this boat tethered in the area visible from the bridge. The line and the icy river behind it just worked really well. I used a large F-stop (something like 13 or more) as I had the light and wanted to have a really large depth of field. I did a bit of sharpening in photoshop to get just the boat and its rope, cropped in Picasa.

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